Do You Know Your Creative Cycles?

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “know your creative cycles”?

“Cycles” remind me that nature breathes new life in different seasons. Similarly, you follow that pattern when creating anything. There is a specific time for a specific activity.

Every creative discovers their own cycle. If you conduct a quick Google search, you will a variety of perspectives. However, there are some common denominators that involve three major phases:

  • Time to consume information or explore new interests
  • Going on hermit mode and integrating what you consumed
  • Time to create and share (if you’re called to share)

There’s no ‘one size fits all’. Not every cycle is meant for creation. There is no set timeline for each phase of your personal process. Only you determine where you are and when it’s time to move to the next part.

Heck. Your creative cycles might not even sound like the ones listed above.

There might be long periods of contemplation where it looks as if “you’re not doing anything”. As Austin Kleon puts it, “I’m not languishing, I’m dormant”. This stage is as important as any other to create.

It’s a matter of asking yourself: What do I know about my creative cycles?

Continue reading “Do You Know Your Creative Cycles?”

Little Things Are Not So Little

Everything you do, everything you say has an impact.

No matter how ‘little it seems’.

You might never know for sure, but that thing you’re doing and are sharing online does have an audience. It might be silent at first. They may choose to not interact with your creation. However, the impact is there. There might be a change in their thoughts because of you.

Never underestimate the power of ‘little things’.

Keep creating.

Create for You First

For all creators out there.

Remember: Create for YOU first.

The beauty of creation lies not in universal acceptance, but in the courage to express what is uniquely yours.

The value of your work is not measured by the number of eyes that behold it, but by the depth of feeling it stir in you and, eventually, in those who find a reflection of their own untold stories within it.

Create. Repeat.


Happy leap day!

El Tiempo #LetrasDesnudas

Creo que el tiempo
nos pondrá en donde
debemos estar.
Con todo y dudas.

Tú a tu vida
y yo a la mía
para continuar
esta danza cósmica.

que no nos queda de otra
mas que confiar
en el soplo del viento.

En las estrellas guía
y en el ritmo de las olas.

Creo de verdad
que el tiempo
nos dará la solución.
Con serenidad.

Nada de impacientarse.
Que esta próxima vez
tú y yo nos volveremos permanentes.


Los textos de este blog pertenecen a la autora Alicia Strathern.

Poema Invernal #LetrasDesnudas

La nieve,
desafía una larga temporada.

Me entierra
entre el pasado
y el presente
difuso, deshojado.

Me congela
el gris de las horas.
Todas uniformes,
todas interminables.

Sin embargo
el sol sale.
Se asoma
en la neblina.

Espero nuestro encuentro,
al pie de la ventana.


Los textos de este blog pertenecen a la autora Alicia Strathern.

Planting Seeds As Creative Process

Planting seeds in the creative process is a major responsibility. It is the core essence of any endeavour that involves creation. Every effort is significant and paramount for further steps.

It’s also an act of faith. It’s believing that a small idea that was born in the abstract can turn into a tangible form for the world to use or experience.

However, the process itself is invisible to your eyes. The seeds you plant today will grow at their own pace and in the darkness. Brian Eno, musician, composer, record producer and visual artist, has an invaluable take:

My kind of composing is more like the work of a gardener. The gardener takes his seeds and scatters them, knowing what he is planting but not quite what will grow, where, and when.

Quote taken from

Not knowing is the aspect that causes the most uncertainty. This is the part where it’s tempting to abandon a creation and move on to a different endeavour. It’s difficult to continue when conditions are, at first glance, discouraging.

While the seeds metaphor is subject to multiple interpretations, the common denominator is to remind the gardener or the creator that growth will take place sooner or later. Every little step compounds to a result, and the waiting process can be satisfying and joyful.

Continue reading “Planting Seeds As Creative Process”

El poema eres tú #LetrasDesnudas

¿Y si el poema eres tú?

Alguien recordó su existencia al pensar en ti.

A alguien le resultó imposible ignorar la huella que dejaste en detalles tan cortos.

Y luego, en algún lugar, te encuentras el poema y no te identificaste como protagonista. Creíste que estaba dedicado a todo mundo menos a ti.

¿Por qué te cuesta aceptar la inmortalidad de tu presencia en la vida de alguien más?


Los textos de este blog pertenecen a la autora Alicia Strathern.

20 great things about 2023

A great year is ending. Since 2020, I’ve been posting 20 things that have been making my year wonderful.

I’m really pleased to see that there’s a little bit of everything. This time, even food made it. Whoa. At the end of the day, experiences are what matters most. I’m glad I could capture most of them.

So here’s 20 great things about 2023.

  1. Celebrating my son’s second birthday
  2. Having my mom around for two months
  3. Creating art with my mom
  4. Playing my mom’s favourite childhood game with her
  5. Writing 100 pages of my new book
  6. Having fun in my writing classes and meeting some great and inspiring women.
  7. Seeing Depeche Mode live for the third time in my lifetime.
  8. This specific video from the concert. You can actually hear me scream!
  9. Enjoying Memento Mori, especially My Favourite Stranger and Soul with Me.
  10. Reading Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
  11. Reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle
  12. Getting to know Kurt Kobain through his personal diaries
  13. Trips to the zoo on Sundays
  14. Paul McCartney’s lyrics
  15. Tuna and salmon poke bowl
  16. Janet Jackson’s music
  17. Rediscovering some old songs I’ve always loved: Happy Together, Kiss the Rain, I Can Dream About You, The Hustle, Reasons, Hold Me Now, Don’t You Forget About Me.
  18. Sade’s music. Anything she sings is powerful.
  19. Alicia Keys’ music
  20. Discovering Neo Soul and Nu Urban Jazz.