Away for a few weeks

My husband and I are travelling to the other side of the world this week. We will take a break, and we’ll be back until November.

We’ve planned this trip for over a year, and we’re really looking forward to it. The time has come, and now we can enjoy it after months and months of hard work.

I’m also looking forward to all the thoughts that will pop up as I experience places I never thought I’d visit. Of course I’m ready with a brand new notebook to capture as much as I can. Travelling is inspiring after all.

I’ll be back with new ideas and lots of pictures!

First drafts are for your eyes only

For some reason, the other day I woke up with this song playing in my head:

This song reminds me of my childhood. My parents tuned in the radio quiet often, and this song would be playing. Back then, I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics, but now I can really feel it has a powerful message.

Sing a song (…) don’t worry if it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing. Sing a song.

I feel the same thing happens when writing. You compose a story, and then you wonder if it’s good enough. However, the first draft is for your eyes only. Nobody else is reading it or judging you. All you need to do is write and edit later on.

As long as it all comes from the heart, the next improvements will follow. That’s what the song says to me. What does it say to you?