20 things that made my 2020 interesting

An unforgettable year is ending. In spite of all the terrible events that took place around the world, I found value in highlighting 20 things that made my 2020 interesting in my personal life.

This exercise gives me a sense of accomplishment, and it’s also a great way to practise self-reflection. From now on, I’ll do it every year to see where my focus has been and celebrate my own efforts.

Here’s the 20 things that made my 2020 interesting:

  1. Reconnecting with myself through therapy. Yes, this was the year I finally realized I needed help to solve issues from the past. The pandemic moved all my emotions and decided to pay attention to what was happening. Fortunately, I’m in a much better place right now.
  2. Knowing that my family has been supporting me throughout this process. I wouldn’t be able to do it without them.
  3. Discovering the orange book on Twitter. This account was quite the discovery in the middle of my personal crisis. Whenever I read this person’s tweets, I always get new ideas and feelings about life. It’s simply that powerful.
  4. The 99u conference. This year, it adapted a digital format and anyone in the world could access it for free. In spite of the circumstances, it was wonderful to gain knowledge in every conference and meet the brilliant speakers who make things happen. My two main takeaways were: an hour of your time can make a difference to nurture your creative self, and noticing the world around you can fortify your creativity.
  5. Writing my first book! I’m taking the self-publishing route and, if everything goes well, I’ll publish it next year. Whoa.
  6. Speaking of self-publishing, my personal journey is allowing me to learn other aspects of writing. The editing process is crucial, and it’s important to invest in it and learn what kind of editing you need.
  7. Rediscovering bossanova music. Every difficult moment got better as soon as I listened to happier and more energetic tunes, such as Magalenha by Segio Mendes.
  8. Music always makes a difference under any circumstance. Here’s a more specific list of songs that defined the sound of 2020 for me.
  9. With strange highs and strange lows, these things helped me find light in times of darkness.
  10. Learning about compound knowledge. It’s a mindset worth adopting, and something tells me it’ll define how 2021 will unfold for me.
  11. Watching Sailor Moon with the same enthusiasm as my six-year-old self.
  12. Joining Tim’s listening party on Twitter when A Certain Ratio was featured. I missed the one with Friendly Fires, though.
  13. Speaking of Friendly Fires, “Sleeptalking” is one of their most perfect songs.
  14. In terms of music albums released in 2020, Petals for Armor by Hayley Williams and Freeze/Melt by Cut Copy were outstanding.
  15. Getting to know María Félix through her movies.
  16. Blogging in Spanish again.
  17. Paying off student loans.
  18. Deciding to diversify my personal library. From now on, I’m reading genres I had not read before. Here’s a list of books I’m hoping to get next year.
  19. Getting Live Spirits by Depeche Mode delivered to my home after waiting for it for six months.
  20. Being able to create my e-newsletter.

A sus órdenes

Cállate la alegría
porque haces ruido.
¿Qué no ves que la tele
está prendida?

Aplástate en el rincón
a jugar en tu mundo.
Y ya que termines
te sientas con nosotros.

Trágate las verduras
que no te gustan.
Mañana te harán crecer
y sana serás.

Aguántate las ganas
de expresarte con groserías.
Una dama decente
debes ser hoy y mañana.

Obedece, niña.
Si no, de mujer,
nadie te va a querer.

Los textos de este blog pertenecen a la autora Alice Strathern.

Independencia creativa: preguntas y reflexiones

La independencia creativa es un acto de fe. Es creer que puedes sacar magia de tus venas, de las palabras que salen del corazón. Es exprimir el contenido simbólico adquirido en todas aquellas vivencias que han influido en tu persona, tanto en el presente como en el pasado.

Recuerdo cuando creía que la libertad creativa se podía alcanzar trabajando para alguien más. Recuerdo la firme convicción de que el camino hacia el éxito profesional consistía en demostrar mis habilidades a los altos mandos de una empresa y así ganarme su confianza. Y así ganar más dinero. Y así hacerme de una reputación que me permitiera ganar más dinero.

Recuerdo el día del desencanto. Recuerdo la frustración de trabajar en proyectos que no me interesaban. Recuerdo la pesadez de darle gusto a alguien más. Recuerdo la renuncia a mis propias ideas. No podía expresarlas porque no se alineaban con los caprichos del cliente o del jefe.

También recuerdo los primeros pensamientos que contemplaban el día de la independencia. Un día que sí llegó.

Continue reading “Independencia creativa: preguntas y reflexiones”

Routines of successful people: to try or not to try

Type the phrase “routines of successful people” on Google, and you will get hundreds of articles that tell you how to organize your life in a way that will make you more productive.

While those articles are appealing, and some of them can be actually inspiring, the truth is that every individual in this world operates in a different mode. What works for “the successful” may not work for those who are trying to develop better habits.

Here’s a few thoughts on focusing on what works for you rather than following steps that you might not be willing to even try.

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The sound of 2020: tunes that helped me get through the year

What’s the sound of 2020? I recently discovered a fantastic online time capsule of music. It’s called “2020 IS A SONG“, and it has a simple objective: sharing with the world the one song that got you through this crazy year.

While it’s hard to choose only one song, for this time capsule I decided that mine had to be Sleeptalking by Friendly Fires.

I’ve written about the importance of noticing the world around. In an attempt to explain to myself why certain songs helped me more than others, I’m sharing a list of the tunes that brought me solace, peace or joy and why. Here’s the sound of 2020 for me.

Continue reading “The sound of 2020: tunes that helped me get through the year”

Navidad en Pandemia: festejar o no festejar

Inevitablemente, en estas últimas semanas he estado pensado en cómo se va a “festejar” una navidad en pandemia.

Estos son los tiempos para reunirse con la familia y cenar juntos y contar historias graciosas o vergonzosas que ocurrieron durante el año. Esta vez, se trata del 2020. Un año en el que no hay muchas cosas felices o chuscas para compartir. Un año en el que, por cuestiones de salud, no deberíamos ni siquiera reunirnos.

La postura ante la “celebración” de navidad en pandemia tiene dos vertientes: los que van a ignorar completamente la recomendación de mantener la sana distancia y los que la van a acatar con todo y el dolor de sus corazones; con todo y las tensiones familiares que tomarán lugar tras comunicar una postura personal.

Nunca es fácil tomar decisiones así.

Continue reading “Navidad en Pandemia: festejar o no festejar”

Compound Knowledge: the key to gaining wisdom

One concept that has been buzzing lately is “compound knowledge.” I’ve been seeing it often in the Orange Book’s timeline on Twitter. Anything this person shares on that channel interests me, and if there’s an idea that’s completely new to me, I do a bit more research.

Compound means “made up or consisting of two or more existing parts or elements.” Therefore, compound knowledge refers to integrating all the elements we’ve collected from the various sources we learn from and using them to upgrade our skills or achieve wisdom, for example.

However, compounding is a process that takes time. Immediate results are out of the equation. The core essence is patience and consistency. Outcomes will show as one continues to gain knowledge year over year.

Continue reading “Compound Knowledge: the key to gaining wisdom”